

Service Tikka hunt kriimsilmad soovisid esmalt omale uut kodulehte. Hiljem panime kokku ka video, tutvustamaks nende valdkonda. Viimane on piisavalt lai, et aidata pea igaüht – kaevetööd, pinnasetööd, haljastustööd, veoteenused. Lisaks saavad õla alla panna ka välireklaamide paigaldusel.

Vaata nende leht üle ja kui ka sinu ettevõte vajaks lihtsat, informatiivset ja loogilist kodulehte, võta meiega kibekiirelt ühendust!


Service Tikka hunt kriimsilmad soovisid esmalt omale uut kodulehte. Hiljem panime kokku ka video, tutvustamaks nende valdkonda. Viimane on piisavalt lai, et aidata pea igaüht – kaevetööd, pinnasetööd, haljastustööd, veoteenused. Lisaks saavad õla alla panna ka välireklaamide paigaldusel.

Vaata nende leht üle ja kui ka sinu ettevõte vajaks lihtsat, informatiivset ja loogilist kodulehte, võta meiega kibekiirelt ühendust!


Koplinte missiooniks on aidata ettevõtteid ja ettevõtjaid raamatupidamises. Nagu meie missioon on aidata ettevõtetel aidata. Kuidas keegi oskab, oma võimete piires.

Nende viimane veebileht vajas korralikku värskendust, mistõttu tegi meie arendaja kiirelt uue, kaasaegse ja lihtsa ühe leheküljelise lehe, mis kajastab kogu vajalikku infot ning kust kaudu on klientidel lihtne ühendust saada.


Koplinte missiooniks on aidata ettevõtteid ja ettevõtjaid raamatupidamises. Nagu meie missioon on aidata ettevõtetel aidata. Kuidas keegi oskab, oma võimete piires.

Nende viimane veebileht vajas korralikku värskendust, mistõttu tegi meie arendaja kiirelt uue, kaasaegse ja lihtsa ühe leheküljelise lehe, mis kajastab kogu vajalikku infot ning kust kaudu on klientidel lihtne ühendust saada.


Mardisoo kogenud mehed tundsid ühel hetkel, et koduleht hakkab kogemuste kuhjale ning ajale jalgu jääma. Kuulasime nende soovid ära, punkt-punkti haaval plaan paika ja uus leht oligi valmis. Lihtne, kvaliteetne ja usaldusväärne – täpselt nagu nende ettevõte.



Mardisoo kogenud mehed tundsid ühel hetkel, et koduleht hakkab kogemuste kuhjale ning ajale jalgu jääma. Kuulasime nende soovid ära, punkt-punkti haaval plaan paika ja uus leht oligi valmis. Lihtne, kvaliteetne ja usaldusväärne – täpselt nagu nende ettevõte.


Probleem- WeCleani meeskond soovis hakata pakkuma koristusteenust. Kuid kust alustada, seda nad täpselt ette ei kujutanud. Sammud Musta Oa poole seatud, sai peatselt plaan paika. 

Lahendus-  Alustasime logo ning kodulehe loomisest. Kodulehel pidasime eeskätt silmas mugavat võimalust interneti vahendusel broneerida teenuste seast endale sobiv. Lehele hakkasid hiljem liiklust suunama Facebooki ja Google Adsid. 

Tulemus- Kliendi postkasti hakkasid peagi sisse voolama päringud erinevatele koristusteenustele.


Probleem- WeCleani meeskond soovis hakata pakkuma koristusteenust. Kuid kust alustada, seda nad täpselt ette ei kujutanud. Sammud Musta Oa poole seatud, sai peatselt plaan paika. 

Lahendus-  Alustasime logo ning kodulehe loomisest. Kodulehel pidasime eeskätt silmas mugavat võimalust interneti vahendusel broneerida teenuste seast endale sobiv. Lehele hakkasid hiljem liiklust suunama Facebooki ja Google Adsid. 

Tulemus- Kliendi postkasti hakkasid peagi sisse voolama päringud erinevatele koristusteenustele.


Problem- The request was a new CVI. But their old webpage needed an update as well, so we took two birds with one stone.

Solution- We developed a new, more modern, and user-friendly page for both sides. The customer can also make the necessary changes herself with a few clicks. We also started advertising campaigns on Facebook and Google, which were more effective than expected.

Result- We reduced the price of a click in Facebook ads by 3x to 0.05 euros on average, and we reached 10x more people with ads than before!



Problem- The request was a new CVI. But their old webpage needed an update as well, so we took two birds with one stone.

Solution- We developed a new, more modern, and user-friendly page for both sides. The customer can also make the necessary changes herself with a few clicks. We also started advertising campaigns on Facebook and Google, which were more effective than expected.

Result- We reduced the price of a click in Facebook ads by 3x to 0.05 euros on average, and we reached 10x more people with ads than before!



Problem- The team wanted to start offering Estonian travel tours. We started our cooperation by creating a CVI and logo. Later, we also built a new website and focused on social media, connecting the store to Facebook and Instagram to make booking even easier.

Solution- Since most of the bookings came through social media, connecting the store with social media also became a big plus. Customers can now search and book small tours, accommodations, and transport options all in one place.


Problem- The team wanted to start offering Estonian travel tours. We started our cooperation by creating a CVI and logo. Later, we also built a new website and focused on social media, connecting the store to Facebook and Instagram to make booking even easier.

Solution- Since most of the bookings came through social media, connecting the store with social media also became a big plus. Customers can now search and book small tours, accommodations, and transport options all in one place.


Problem- Mez Crafts Estonia, the largest yarn wholesaler in Estonia with over 20 years of experience, had been dreaming of having its own website for almost 2 years.

Solution- We searched out the old CVI, with which we could easily build a website for them on top of the latter. Customers can now find all the initial necessary information there without the need for additional questions.


Problem- Mez Crafts Estonia, the largest yarn wholesaler in Estonia with over 20 years of experience, had been dreaming of having its own website for almost 2 years.

Solution- We searched out the old CVI, with which we could easily build a website for them on top of the latter. Customers can now find all the initial necessary information there without the need for additional questions.


Problem- Goldenroad was in the process of rebranding, and we created a learning platform for them – Aurea Viam, which means Golden Road in Latin.

Solution- To ensure their golden, flying success, we created for them a tactical strategy, a logo and CVI, content texts that also sell, and an e-shop.

Take a look, and if your business lacks a similar set of elements, all you have to do is let us know!



Problem- Goldenroad was in the process of rebranding, and we created a learning platform for them – Aurea Viam, which means Golden Road in Latin.

Solution- To ensure their golden, flying success, we created for them a tactical strategy, a logo and CVI, content texts that also sell, and an e-shop.

Take a look, and if your business lacks a similar set of elements, all you have to do is let us know!


Problem- A construction company operating in the Finnish market, whose previous website needed updating.

Solution- Our developer made a new, modern, fairly informative, and representative website, which the client himself will be able to manage in the future with no ease. 

Go check it out, and if you like their page solution, leave a comment! We’ll make one for you too. not exactly the same, but slightly different.


Problem- A construction company operating in the Finnish market, whose previous website needed updating.

Solution- Our developer made a new, modern, fairly informative, and representative website, which the client himself will be able to manage in the future with no ease. 

Go check it out, and if you like their page solution, leave a comment! We’ll make one for you too. not exactly the same, but slightly different.


Problem- Steelman pros wanted a new CVI and logo, their previous page was made 10 years ago and didn’t scale on any smart device. The old design was characterized by the 1980s, so we wanted to include a little of that in the new page.

Solution- The primary tasks solved, we also dusted off the old website and gave it a new lease on life. We also involved a UI designer in the work and did some light SEO.


Problem- Steelman pros wanted a new CVI and logo, their previous page was made 10 years ago and didn’t scale on any smart device. The old design was characterized by the 1980s, so we wanted to include a little of that in the new page.

Solution- The primary tasks solved, we also dusted off the old website and gave it a new lease on life. We also involved a UI designer in the work and did some light SEO.

Tanri elektrikud soovisid, et me neile uue veebilehe teeksime. Viimane oli vist kiviajast pärit. Päris täpset sotti ei saanud, seega panime püsti uue. Klient soovis ja meie viisime ta soovi täide. Lisaks tegime ka kerge SEO, et pimedas toas istuvad inimesed ikka professionaalid endale appi leiaks. Nende 7 aastane kogemus ning kirg selle töö vastu tagavad suurepärase kvaliteedi ja toimivuse Sinu kodu elektrisüsteemides.

Kui Sulle meeldib nende koduleht- teistsugune, loogiline ja informatiivne, siis võta ühendust ning teeme ära!


Tanri elektrikud soovisid, et me neile uue veebilehe teeksime. Viimane oli vist kiviajast pärit. Päris täpset sotti ei saanud, seega panime püsti uue. Klient soovis ja meie viisime ta soovi täide. Lisaks tegime ka kerge SEO, et pimedas toas istuvad inimesed ikka professionaalid endale appi leiaks. Nende 7 aastane kogemus ning kirg selle töö vastu tagavad suurepärase kvaliteedi ja toimivuse Sinu kodu elektrisüsteemides.

Kui Sulle meeldib nende koduleht- teistsugune, loogiline ja informatiivne, siis võta ühendust ning teeme ära!